There’s no one size fits all approach to healthy eating, meaning every diet needs to be tailored to meet individual needs. While these tips may not work for you, they are both practical and easy to adopt. If you’re looking for ways to incorporate healthier foods into your busy life without much prep time or worry, check out the following.

1. Embrace The Snack Meal

There’s no such thing as a free lunch, but you may be surprised by how much you can eat as a snack. Start with over-processed things (like chips) and go from there. Be aware of portion size, though – most people should aim for around 500 calories per meal and 300 to 300 grams of carbs per meal.

2. Drink Your Vegetables

Vegetable juices may be especially helpful for those who have difficulty eating their veggies. Not only will it help you get a variety of vitamins, but you can shake up the flavor by adding different kinds of fruit juice or even some supplements.

3. Prep Ingredients in Advance

If you’re crunched for time, you can usually get vegetables and fruits cut up as a service at the deli counter of your grocery store. Salad greens, tomatoes, and other vegetables are also easy to prepare. You can make a few extras that won’t spoil or go bad before you have a chance to eat them.

4. Stock Your Freezer with No-Prep Healthy Meals

Dried beans and rice, frozen veggies, veggies from bulk bins at the grocery store, and fruits that you can freeze are all great options for meals that can be made in bulk. There are also plenty of frozen fruit and vegetable smoothies on the market, so check out these healthy snacks.

5. Plan Ahead

If you are pressed for time, there are ways to ensure you fit nutritious foods into your diet without much extra preparation time. Many people don’t consider freezing their fruits or vegetables a way to stay healthy, but it’s certainly a time saver.

By approaching your diet as what makes sense for your needs, you’ll find that eating well is much easier than most people think. It doesn’t take much time or money; in most cases, it just requires a shift towards better foods.